As a side note, my almost ten year old son has such huge feet (I suppose long and narrow is more accurate) that he is now only three sizes away from sharing shoes with his father. I am sure by his birthday next year he will be handing shoes down to his father. That is weird to me.
In short, I now heart Fred Meyer, and will be doing as much shopping as possible in that wonderful, blessed store.
2. Yesterday The Dave Matthews band released a new studio album and it is so incredibly awesome. It hearkens back to their roots, pulls at our heartstrings, and allows the hubby and I to relive our DMB fandom days all over again. While we have never wavered in our love for DMB over the years, this new album just renews our interest and reminds us why we liked them in the first place. Good job, guys. Oh my gosh, the new album, oh. my. GOSH.
3. Today we wrapped up our first week of homeschool no worse for the wear. I can see where some improvement and *cough* preparation *cough* is needed on my part to make the learning more engaging, but I think once we get in a rhythm and get past the simple review stuff we will be flying right along.
4. We went to the park today for some good end of week running around and my timing could not have been better. At the same exact time that we arrived some other moms whom I recognized from church were there with a group of other moms, none of whom I had met. I made friends today! Like, a group of friends! All homeschooling, some at the same charter school as us, some from my church, all with children close in age to mine. I hit the new friend jackpot. I was even invited to a mom's only clothing exchange, in which food and alcohol will be consumed, and I am going! Oh yes, I am.
5. Enthralling and revealing conversation I had today:
Discussion with JP after he pooped on my floor:
Me: John-Paul, animals poop on the floor, people poop in the toilet.
JP: cows poop in the grass
M: yes, and little boys poop in the toilet.
JP: sheep poop on the ground
M: are you an animal?
JP: no
M:are you a little boy?
JP: no
M:what are you?
JP: I'm a John-Paul
yes, my dear boy, yes you are. smh.
yes, my dear boy, yes you are. smh.
6. Gabriel enjoys watching Beakman's World. Win: Me. Win: Science Education. Win: Gabriel's brain. Win win win.
7. I just remembered I still have Ben & Jerry's in the freezer. I am a lucky gal.
More quick takes at Conversion Diary, but this week at CampPatton, GO!